Multiple fans came out to support their favorite cheese tostada last night at the Purpur arena. "I just love my cheese tostadas, in the store and on the ice" said a crazed fan. "its nice to see the love that we have, we knew we had fans but not this many, there were probably 3,000 fans here tonight" said tellmann. The rp played the el roco in this scrimmage. In true exhibition format there was no score kept. "we thought it would be good to just go out there and have some fun, we knew the roco really wanted to keep score but we were there for the fans not ourselves" lindgren said. The players did decide to do a shoot out at the end to give the fans a little something for coming out.
Quote of the night
"alls i did was wipe my ass today"
said by tellmann in reference to his
WHITE boxers
statistician had the night off
Record is 5-2 with a big rematch coming up against the merchants next week
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